I had such a great night last night meeting with various Living Hopers.
We have such a great elder board. I'm consistently blown away by the spiritual maturity of these guys. They love Jesus and love our church and want to serve Christ by serving Living Hope. There are no power plays, no petty arguments. We may occasionally have differing points of view, but we hear each other out and come to a consensus. They have a strong commitment to protecting the truth of the gospel. In short, they're men of integrity and it's an honor serving as an elder with them.
Afterwards, I had the opportunity to do a little dreaming with another LHC member. Some really cool ideas came to the table that got my wheels to spinning in exciting directions. I don't know if anything will come out of it, but I'll definitely continue praying and dreaming. I'm so thankful for optimistic, artistic, innovative people! They're few and far between, but an absolute joy to be around. I need to expose myself to such people more often.
Last night I also heard an incredible story. We recently participated in Operation Christmas Child as a church. We were able to send out over 100 shoebox gifts to needy children! There was a small group of LHC teen girls who wanted to put together some shoeboxes, too. After talking to their parents about it, they were told by their parents that because the family finances were so tight, they wouldn't be able to help them buy the gifts. Amazingly, this didn't stop these girls. They took it upon themselves to do yardwork and housework for their neighbors and raise up enough money to make sure a needy child in some remote corner of the world would have a merry Christmas! HOW AWESOME IS THAT!?
I LOVE MY CHURCH!!!!!!!!!!
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