
I Love Leaders!

I really do love leaders! I love men and women who will step up and lead others even if they don't feel qualified or capable. I believe God uses our willingness more than our qualifications, and our humility more than our capability. When ordinary people step up and offer themselves unselfishly, God is often able to use them to accomplish extraordinary things. It takes guts to be a leader. A leader might get their fair share of praise, but it's not easy to stick your neck out and be the lightning rod for all criticism and complaints. To be a Godly leader is to be a servant. Anybody who believes that church leaders are doing it for the recognition or the "power", have no idea what it means to be a leader.

I say all of this because I am blessed to be surrounded by extraordinary leaders here at Living Hope Church. Leaders who do what they do because they love Jesus and they love the people that have been entrusted to their care. Tonight I had the honor to thank them at our Leadership Christmas Party. I have to admit, I've honestly been looking forward to this party since last Spring. I love investing in leaders. I love encouraging leaders. I love loving on leaders.

Pastors, love on your leaders. Leaders, invest into those who don't yet know they're leaders. Church, pray for your leaders non-stop.

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