

I am so thankful.
  • For my family that means the world to me.  I can't believe I've been blessed with such a beautiful and gifted wife, 3 kids that amaze me and crack me up, and a pup that exerts more energy in 5 seconds than I will in a lifetime.
  • For my extended family scattered all over the country.  I miss you all and look forward to seeing you after Christmas!
  • For my church family.  We're praising together, praying together, in the trenches together, and building His beautiful Kingdom together.  I love you all!
  • For friends near and far.  Some we've experienced life together with. Some we have the internet as our only connection.  I truly enjoy the company of all my friends.
  • For stuff.  I've got so much freakin' stuff that I don't deserve.
  • For my calling. I pray my commitment to my Holy Father who called me will always outweigh all the jerks, frustrations, pride, and whatever else that tries to discourage me from my service to Him.
  • For the smell of turkey and dressing wafting through my house right now.  Awesome!


DeadMule said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Jeff. Hope your day was as good as ours. God is so good.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it great to know that your where your suppose to be, when your suppose to be there and doing what you are suppose to be doing.

Thanks for everything you DO!