Baptisms are my favorite thing that I get to do as a pastor. I'll never

understand why some people show resistance to being baptized. I've talked to several people over the years that don't see the need in it and refuse to do it. They state that theologically it's not necessary to their salvation and so to require it is legalistic or something. I think for many it's a reaction to the theology that says salvation comes through baptism.
But here's the deal. JESUS COMMANDED IT. If you're a Christ-follower, why are you questioning something that Jesus commanded and even participated in himself. Are you above Jesus' commands? Are you somehow better than Jesus, reasoning that even though he was baptized, it's not something you need to do? I know that salvation doesn't come through any "magical" properties in the water. I know that theologically, all we need to be saved is God's grace and our faith. But if Jesus commands it, sets a personal example for it, that's grounds enough for me to call it necessary.
I think it boils down to this - SUBMISSION. If Jesus is really your Lord, submit to him. If you have really committed your life to following him, quit trying to find loopholes.
If you love him...GET WET!
Pastor, thankyou so much for letting me be a part of that. That is truly one of the most precious and moving moments in my life. Joe
I wish others would also see the necessity of baptism. It was commanded for a reason! Great post.
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