Sopranos Series Finale - I have to say that I'm pretty sad to see this great show come to an end. A lot of people were pretty mad about the way David Chase ended his epic series. Everyone
expected Tony Soprano would either be killed or go to prison or someone in his family would be killed. SPOILER ALERT! Instead, he ended it with a scene that was intense, but didn't deliver a punch line. The family is settling for a meal in a local diner. Some unsavory characters enter the restaurant and eye Tony. Meadow struggles to parralel park her car and as she enters the restaurant the scene cuts off. Chase really left you feeling like your cable had gone out at the most inopportune time and then a few seconds later, the credits rolled. I have to be honest, I kind of like the fact that he didn't give us an ending. I didn't want it to end. Life goes on for Tony and everyone - or not?

Man vs. Wild - This is hands down my new favorite show! It airs on The Discovery Channel and features survivalist Bear Grylls (great name!). Bear get dropped into remote locations all
over the world and has to find his way back to civilization carrying only a knife, canteen, and a flint. This show features great moments such as 1) Bear in Kenya, squeezing the juice from an elephant turd in order to avoid dehydration, 2) Bear in the Moab Desert in Utah, peeing on a shirt and wrapping it around his face so he wouldn't overheat, 3) Bear in the Sierra Mountains of California, eating live snakes for nutrition, and many, many more great moments. If you're not watching this show, you need to be. Turns out Bear's a Christian, too. On the Man vs. Wild website they list "Bear's Top 10 Books He'd Want if Stranded on a Desert Island". Five of the books are Christian titles including What's So Amazing About Grace by Philip Yancey and Messy Sprirituality by Mike Yaconelli. You can link to his blog from my blogroll on the right hand side of this page.

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