

Check out this trailer for a new documentary called Lemonade. It highlights the lives of people in the advertising world who have lost their jobs in the current recession. (WARNING: There's a little bit of crude language in this, and some of the life-choices are not necessarily God-honoring.)

I just find it interesting from several different standpoints:
  • how often a personal crisis can result in drastic choices that bring greater fulfillment in life.
  • how often a personal crisis can result in drastic choices that take lives in an unhealthy direction.
Church leaders/members: I wonder how much we are helping people turn their lemons into lemonade? When we hear of someone getting handed a lemon, are we encouraging them to take God-honoring risks, or are we letting them flounder without any support/encouragement?

1 comment:

Jeremy White said...

This is so true. I know there are a million & one cliches out there about how to "just trust God" when life falls apart, but the thing about cliches is that as overused as they may be, they are often true. I love the abundance of narrative in the Scriptures where God turns disaster into blessing - often even WHEN we respond wrongly! Good post. I'll check out the link when I'm not on my phone...