
Genesis 42-44

Joseph's story is such an epic story. Someone should turn it into a movie...seriously. In today's reading Joseph's brothers come to Egypt looking for help and Joseph puts them through a series of tests and, I think, has a little fun with them, too. The most interesting thing about this part of the story is that we find Joseph's brothers have developed into honorable/honest men.

I know I've harped on this whole thing of forgiveness and reconciliation with family (or whoever else). It's been a surprise to me. I honestly didn't intend on focusing so much on that aspect of the story. But this is just another reminder to us that who we become is sometimes far different than who we are in our youth. We should never write one another off as lost causes. God can and does transform lives and we should give people in our past second chances for that very reason. In fact, sometimes the transformation comes through the forgiveness of others.

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