FOLLOW-UP POST: Two shockers tonight. I can't believe I just watched the final 8 Idol contestants sing Hillsong's Shout to the Lord. It was pretty good, but I was a little creeped out by it. It makes me nervous when praise/worship music is used in a mainstream setting. Crowds have cheered during that song before, but it was predominantly directed toward Jesus. This time crowds were screaming and cheering, but I'm not sure it was targeted in the right direction. But then again, it was nice hearing that song on such a big platform. (Mixed feelings.) The other shocker was Michael Johns getting the boot. The Aussie was one of my personal favorites. His time definitely came too soon.
Ditto on the American Idol/Shout To The Lord number. For me I was 95% creeped out, 5% pleasantly pleased. I'm just dying to know why they sang it. Was it the idea of a few of the contestants or was it a matter of the TV execs doing some more "post-passion-of-the-Christ" market polling.
Yo listen up dawg.....LOL.......I was so bummed that the Aussie guy got voted off so early. He deserved to be in the top 5 for sure !!!
I could not believe they sang that song....it was really sur-real (is that how you spell it ? ) for some reason. It was like they were so obviously trying to appeal to the "Christian" votes....
So who's your #1 for the show ? I want Jason Castro to win....but I think the Cook dude might make it.....
I notice that they stripped out "Jesus" and replaced Him with "shepherd." If they're going to play a Christian song then it should at least keep its overtly Christian lyrics.
I think it's kinda sacrilegious or something for a non-believer to sing a praise and worship song that's a first-person approach to the Lord.
I don't like to hear Christian tunes become secularized.
Two thumbs down from me.
Ok, I know I'm stepping out on a limb here, and I know the topic here is "American Idol", but the bottom line for me is not the "messenger" but the "messege". That whole song is straight from the book of Psalm. and God's Word will not return unto Him void. Bottom line again - Whether it was coming from their hearts, His name WAS praised & glorifed & this not so young MOM was blessed not by the singers, but by the message. My top 3 are Carly, Brooke, &/or Jason. Mom
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