I had my first service as pastor of Living Hope Church today. It was a lot of fun! The band sounded great. The service was ordered as a Pastoral Installation Service. We were joined by Raleigh Galgan, pastor of Valley Church in Vacaville, the parent church of Living Hope. Gil Stieglitz, EFCA Western District Superintendant, also was with us and gave the charge to the new pastor. It was an incredible honor having those guys with us. I know Gil from my days at Bay Hills Community Church and he has a lot of wisdom and is a great encourager/equipper. I'm just starting to get to know Raleigh and already have a tremendous amount of respect for him. I'm looking forward to more time with him. Those two ministers and our three elders - Harvey, Gary, and Phil - prayed over me before I gave my message. It was an exciting and moving service. Living Hope Church is poised and ready for God to do big things. We had a big meal after the service, too, and that's always good!
One of the most exciting things about the day was that it was a record-setting day. We had 146 in attendance and as far as anyone remembers, that's a new high for Living Hope! Here's to more shattered records!
Sounds like you had an awesome day. We've all been praying you would. Kiss everyone for me.
That is awesome Jeff! We closed out our first service in prayer for you and your church. May it be the first of many records you break for Christ. Keep dreaming big!!! We miss you!!!
Wish we could have been there to celebrate with you guys. God has obviously given the "desires of your heart". We love you all & miss you greatly. Mom
Congrats on the first service. Keep having GOD sized DREAMS. Thanks Steve
Glad it went well and you guys are there safe!
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