I have been asked to review this book by Random House.
How Would Jesus Vote? is a new book by D. James Kennedy and Jerry Newcombe. I have to say I did not care for this book and would not recommend it. This book and others like it are the reason why the church has earned the reputation of being a mouthpiece for the Republican Party.
I'm not saying I disagreed with many of the conclusions of this book. In fact, quite the contrary. The authors use most of the book to address how Jesus would vote on issues like abortion, stem cell research, immigration, healthcare, education, war, death penalty, the economy, the environment, marriage, activist judges, etc... The fact is that on many of these chapters I pretty much agreed with the conclusion of the authors and I appreciated many of the Scripture references used to support their arguments. But...
And it's a big but. In the beginning of this book the authors ask the question, "So can anyone be so bold as to say how Jesus would vote? I think the answer is yes." They then spent the rest of the book enlightening us on how Jesus would vote on the aforementioned issues.
What? Are you kidding me? Do you really believe you can search out the Scriptures and come to a definitive answer to the question of how Jesus would vote on health care, education, war, and the economy? And do you really believe he would vote the Republican agenda 100% of the time? Because apparently D. James Kennedy does.
Again, I'm not anti-Republican. I'm an Independent who often votes for Republican candidates and "Republican issues". But even if you bleed elephants when you're cut, you have to admit that's a pretty bold and ridiculous statement.
There are definitely issues that you could be pretty confident how Jesus would vote on. But I wish Christians would realize that some issues aren't immoral. They're just about what kind of country you prefer to live in. We need to learn to voice our preferences without turning Jesus into a political pundit.
On a related matter, we do have an important election coming up next week. Christians, you need to take a little time to get online and research all the candidates and issues you'll be asked to vote on in your area. Too much is at stake this year to either approach the voting booth casually or to not vote at all. Vote informed and vote prayerfully!