
Action Method Notebooks

I recently purchased a couple of The Action Method Notebooks from The Behance Network and I really love them. This has quickly become one of my favorite leadership/organizational tools. The whole point of The Action Method is to help move from "idea" to "action". I've had hundreds of meetings where great ideas were tossed around, but in the end nothing happens. The Action Method Notebook is one of their solutions. It's great for use in meetings.

There's space at the top to write down your agenda. Instead of lined paper to take notes, it incorporates dots to easier facilitate sketches and such. Along the right-hand side of the page are areas to record action steps after all the brainstorming has taken place. And finally there's an area at the bottom to record backburner items (good ideas to revisit later). It's helped me to focus on making sure the result of meetings is getting things done, instead of just meeting. Plus, the notebooks are on high-quality recycled materials, very attractive, and the suede-like cover feels great in your hands. The notebook is $15. Worth trying!

(They also offer a network-style online version of the Action Method and and iPhone app. Both look like they would be valuable tools.)

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