
Praying in Parita

Most of our efforts have been centered around the church in Chitre, Panama. However, today we went to offer some assistance to the church in Parita. Parita is the second oldest city in Panama. It's small and the gospel has never been widely accepted there. The missionaries and nationals have tried everything they can think of to reach the lost, but so far nothing has worked. The congregation is small and struggles. The pastor is a true hero of the faith, but struggles to stay encouraged. They have decided to simply commit the town to prayer. We went today and did a "prayer walk". We divided into groups of 5 and simply walked the streets of the town, bathing it in prayer. We would occasionally stop and talk to people. Once we stopped and played basketball with some boys. It was a lot of fun.

Pray for the church in Parita that they will see their town changed for Christ.

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