
Isaiah's Goals

I'm a big fan of goal-setting. I think it's critical in the process of becoming a better you. I heard a great quote today from Dave Ramsey. Dave says, "Goals are dreams with work clothes on." Love that, because there's a huge difference between dreams and goals. Goals put hands/feet on your dreams. Goals are the bridge between dream and reality. One of the best things you can do when setting goals are to attach timelines or deadlines to them as well. It makes them more urgent and helps you put them into action.

Isaiah, who just turned 11, had a school assignment this week where he had to write about his achievements this year and what he wants to do in 2010. This is classic Isaiah:

In 2009 I accomplished these things and more:
1. I preached with my dad.
2. I got 2,000 tickets at Scandia.
3. Stayed up for a full 24 hours.

In 2010 I hope to accomplish these things and more:
1. Give up smoking.
2. Going into hall of fame on Madden '07.
3. Figure out a rubix cube.
4. Get a chick.

I'm so proud.

1 comment:

julie w said...

That is so Isaiah! :) I am cracking up!!!! :) Thanks for the laugh!