I don't know if any of you struggle with procrastination, but it's a constant battle for me. I tend to run in cycles. I'll be super-organized and on top of things for a while. Then I end up putting off one or two tasks that I'm less than excited about. Then a few tasks snowball into several. I get stressed and overwhelmed. Then I get motivated, tackle all my less-than-exciting tasks, and enter back into the peace of organization.
I bought a "leadership-type" book 4 years ago called Eat That Frog. It's a book about overcoming procrastination. I keep putting off reading it. I think I'll start it today...later.
Today my inbox is empty. Today is a good day.
I love what you wrote. It really made me think.
Procrastination...brought on by human bicameral tendencies towards laziness in our overly-structured society that dictates in our jobs to do just what we're told.
I suffer from this all the time. Maybe, someday, if I think about it hard enough and find myself in the neighborhood of a bookstore...I'll get that book, and four years later, I might read it!
Great Post, Jeff!
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