
I Will Rise - Chris Tomlin

I heard Chris Tomlin's song I Will Rise from his new album for the first time today.  It's really great!  I can't wait to see it make its way into the Living Hope Worship rotation.  You can listen to it below (found this on Travis Penn's blog).

I love Tomlin's stuff even if his songs tend to get overplayed in most churches.  He really is the Fanny Crosby or Isaac Watts of the 21st Century.  He's writing and recording songs that we'll probably be singing 50-100 years from now occasionally.  This is one of the reasons that those arguments against modern worship music drive me nuts.  Today's worship music is not just about flash-factor and lame attempts to be relevant.  It's the new hymnology.  It's the heartbeat of today's church.  The psalmist said, "I will sing to the Lord a new song."  We write new music not because we're trying to be cool.  We write new music because God is not dead and he deserves to have new songs written about him every day.


Jacob said...

I love that part on the bridge or chorus: Worthy is the Lamb!

Such a blessing to know that all of this crap is not in vain.

All In said...

I can't wait until 50 years from now when I can quit a church because they stop playing "Tomlin" stuff.