
My Daily Blog Fix

I read a lot of blogs, but currently there are only 5 that I read every single day. I read these daily for two reasons: 1) they post daily, and 2) I get some benefit from them. Here they are in no particular order.

Mark Batterson's Evotional Blog - Mark is the pastor of National Community Church in DC and the author of In a Pit With a Lion On a Snowy Day and the soon-to-be-released Wild Goose Chase. I don't know of another single person with as much optimism as Mark. I tend toward the "glass half empty" side so I intentionally try to surround myself with optimistic people like Mark to help balance me out.

Mark Oestreicher's Blog - Marko's blog is the first blog I started frequenting and the reason I wanted to start blogging myself. Marko is the president of Youth Specialties. His blog is a lot of fun to read. Lots of humor, great articles about youth culture, and tons of links to meaningless stuff like web games and off the wall items. He also does a great job of critiquing church culture, reviewing books (he reads 10X more than I do, and I feel like I read quite a bit), and being transparent about his own struggles with his faith.

Seth Godin's Blog - Seth Godin is a marketing guru and has written several best-selling books like Purple Cow, The Dip, and Meatball Sundae. His blog is one of the most-read blogs in the entire world (I think it's in the top 10, definitely in the top 20). While I'm not a big fan of "church marketing" trends, I like Seth's blog because it challenges me to consider how our community perceives our church. He writes from a business perspective, not church, but much of it applies just the same.

Craig Groeschel's Swerve Blog - Craig is the pastor of LifeChurch.tv and author of Chazown. LifeChurch is a multi-site church that does a lot of innovative ministry. I like Craig's blog for a couple of reasons. He tends to post in themes. Usually he'll pick a weekly theme and post on that theme 4 or 5 times. His blog is also geared primarily to church leaders. He shares a lot of his own experience and insight into the nuts and bolts of church life.

Perry Noble's Blog - Perry is the pastor of NewSpring Church. He is a fireball of a preacher and has a big, sarcastic sense of humor (so I identify with him alot). He's also a blogging machine. He recently attended Rick Warren's Purpose-Driven Summit and blogged on each of Rick's messages in detail. He must be a wicked-fast typist because reading those posts felt like I was actually hearing the majority of the message. Anyway, Perry offers a lot of spiritual insight and church leadership insight on his blog. I just started reading this one a few weeks ago and I'm really enjoying it.

1 comment:

marko said...

thanks, jeff!